When you think of a casino, you think of roulette. The classic wheel, the croupier, the ball, rien ne va plus: everything about this game is classic. It will not surprise you that roulette is also very popular in online casinos. The nice thing about roulette is that this is a game where the chance of winning is relatively high. Your chance of winning increases even more if you mind the 3 dos and 3 don’ts described below. These dos and don’ts can make all the difference for you. Would you like more tips? Then read our online roulette game guide.

Highlights of this article
Below is a summary of what will be discussed in this article:
- Online roulette: 3 dos
- Online roulette: 3 don’ts
[Top List Online Roulette Casinos]
Online roulette: 3 Dos
With online roulette, there are a number of things you should definitely do to increase your chances of winning. These are the dos. However, there are some things you shouldn’t do. These will reduce your chances of winning although some tactics claim that they do increase your chances of winning. These are the don’ts. The dos will be discussed first. By following these, you can increase your chances of winning and minimize your losses.
- Play European or French online roulette
Online roulette comes in many varieties. You can often choose between the American or the French (also known as the European) variant of roulette. The difference is in the wheel. The American version has a wheel with a 00 in place of the 0. The French version of roulette lacks the 00.
It may seem a minimal difference, but this 00 still has a big influence on the house advantage. While the house advantage in the French variant is around 2.7%, it is almost 5.3% in the American variant. In other words, by adding the 00, the house edge for the online casino has almost doubled. Therefore, always choose to play the French or European version of roulette in online casinos.
There are other roulette varieties that you can only find online, such as, for example, mini roulette. However, the house advantage here is also higher than French roulette at 3.8%.
- Choose the right bets
There is a difference between opting for the biggest chance of winning and opting for the biggest profit. The greater the profit, the more risk you are taking, and the smaller your chance of winning becomes. This is a consideration you’ll have to make in various online casino games, and online roulette is no exception to this rule. Below you will find an overview of the bets you can place, how much they will earn you and the chance of winning on these bets:
- Square: with this, you choose one of the available 37 numbers (assuming you chose French roulette). The profit will give you 35 times your bet. With online roulette, it is possible to choose multiple digits at the same time. This will cost you more effort but increase your chances of winning.
- Cheval: the preceding bet allows you to bet on multiple numbers at the same time. These were individual figures. However, the numbers border each other. By placing a digital chip on the line between two numbers, you are betting on two digits. When you win, you get 17 times your bet back.
- Carré: in addition to lines, boxes also border each other in corners. This makes it possible to bet on 4 digits at once. This can get you a profit of 8 times your bet.
- Transversal simple: you can also bet on two rows of numbers in one go. Here you bet on 6 digits at a time with a maximum win of 11 times your bet.
- Column: in total, there are 3 columns, consisting of 12 digits each. You can also bet on an entire column. If the ball falls on one of the digits in the column, it will earn you 2 times your bet. You can also bet on two columns at the same time. This is called a Column à Cheval.
- Chance simple: these are the bets in which you have a 50% chance of winning. You can bet on the color (red or black), a high or low number and an even or odd number. Here you earn 1:1.
The more likely you are to make a profit, the less money you can make. So, it is a trade-off between making more money in one fell swoop or having a higher chance of making money to a lesser extent. Please note that the chance of a hit is low, less than 3% per turn. Therefore, be smart in your probability calculations. Either way, you’re dependent on luck, but, by betting smartly, you can still earn a significant amount in online roulette.
- Money management
The purpose of an online casino is to make a profit. That’s the hard truth. Of course, there’s money to be made, but you must depend on luck. Now some online casino games are more dependent on luck than others, but luck remains the common denominator. This is why it is advisable to exercise money management in order to minimize your losses. It’s very tempting to keep playing when you’re getting knocked down. After all, your misfortune will certainly take a turn towards fortune again, won’t it? However, many players have already lost a significant amount of money in this way.
It is therefore advisable to set a maximum limit for loss for yourself. Suppose you choose a maximum loss of 100 euros. This does not mean that your balance at the end of the evening is -100 euros. If you have won 50 euros yet have losses of 100 euros, you still have a balance of -50 euros. If you have won 150 euros and lost 100 euros, you have a positive balance of 50 euros.
This is also recommended for online roulette. Although you can influence your odds of winning by betting, you still depend on luck. If the ball has fallen on black 15 times in a row, there is still just as good a chance that it will fall on black again the next time. Luck is out of your control. That’s why money management is recommended for every online casino game
Online roulette: 3 Don’ts
You’ve been able to read three tips for playing online roulette. However, there are some things you shouldn’t do during a game of online roulette. These are listed below for you. Some of these seem obvious, such as the fact that you shouldn’t play online roulette for too long, but players still forget this. However, there are some don’ts you might not have thought of yet.
- Don’t look for a table bias
A roulette strategy you could theoretically also use online is table bias. In this, you try to determine if a certain wheel lands on certain sections more often. For example, one table may, on average, have low numbers as results more often than another table. Once you’ve discovered this table bias, you can use it to your advantage. Minor irregularities may cause this bias. For example, a ball with a deformity can cause this or a roulette wheel that rotates somewhat rigidly. However, it is tedious work to discover this table bias, but, when you find it, a lot could be earned. Several players have won substantial amounts of money because of this. Well-known examples are Joseph Jagger and Billy Walters (including his Computer Team).
Thus, a table bias is often caused by the wheel or the ball, but sometimes also by the way a croupier makes the ball spin. However, all these factors disappear with online roulette. There’s no croupier here and no physical wheel or ball. Online roulette wheels make use of Random Generated Numbers which randomly choose a number on which the ball falls. In essence, there are no other factors that influence the results. The table bias has essentially been completely eliminated. Therefore, you should not waste your time looking for something that is not there.
- Do not use known roulette tactics
There’s no winning system. Although various tactics are possible, they are not always reliable. Besides, you should depend on luck anyway. The best-known roulette tactic, which also applies to online roulette, is the Martingale tactic. For each loss, you double your bet until you win. When you’ve won, you start again with this tactic. In theory, this tactic always leads to profit, but, in practice, it is very disappointing. First of all, because you’re dependent on profit. Furthermore, you don’t have infinite money at your disposal and you have to deal with the table limits. So, it is quite possible that you are wasting a lot of money without making a profit. The same applies to other tactics. Sometimes they can work, but most of the time they cannot.
- Don’t play too long
It’s been said before, but even with online roulette, you depend on luck when playing. Sometimes you don’t have any luck for a long time; sometimes you have it for a long time. It’s also possible that you fare well on one turn and then you don’t. It is, however, clear that, in the long run, you are going to lose to the casino anyway. This is their profit model. It is therefore advisable that you stop in time when you have won significantly in a successful run. Your odds don’t change; you can only vary the type of bet. Even if you’re unlucky for a long time, don’t think: now is my time. You have no control over this. Therefore, don’t play too long whether you win a lot or you lose.

Every online casino game has its own do’s and don’ts, including online roulette. First of all, it is recommended to always choose the French (or European) variant of online roulette because the house advantage is almost twice as low compared to the American variant. In addition, the bet you choose affects your odds of winning as well as the amount of money you can win. It is also advisable to exercise money management.
The first thing that is not recommended is to look for a table bias. Because of the use of Random Generated Numbers, this bias does not exist in online roulette. There are also many online roulette tactics, but, in practice, few of these actually help you make more money. Finally, it is not recommended to play for too long. Sometimes this goes against the grain and the tide doesn’t turn; other times you have to decide to stop playing online roulette when you’re making (big) winnings.