Find Out The Ultimate Tools That Could Help You Playing and Winning At Online Casinos

In this article we will discuss:
- Why you need online casino tools
- The essential selection to help you win
- How to optimize your personal toolkit
What are Online Casino Tools?
The world of online casinos is incredibly big and it is growing every day. When you like to play at online casinos, knowing how to navigate your way around all the different options is one thing, but making the most out of your experience is another.
Here at Compare Casino, we already take care of the first part for you by reviewing the different online casinos. Now with this article, we also want to help you to take care of the second part.
Simply put, an online casino tool is anything that can help you have whatever experience you are looking for. Just like actual hardware tools, there are many different options that you can choose from but you want to pick the right tool for the job.
Online casino tools can be anything from a spreadsheet to help you track your accounts all the way to software automation or mental skill development. Anything to help you play better or optimize your experience can be considered an online casino tool.
Use our reviews as your instruction manual, pick the right tools, and have an amazing experience at your new favorite online casino.
The Top 6
Now that we know what an online casino tool is and why we want to use them when playing at online casinos it is time to have a look at our selection. These six online casino tools are selected for you to get a balanced overview and a feel for what type of tools you can use when playing online.
You can always find more tools to help you but the category will always be either financial, behavioral, or strategic. The tools listed are in no particular order and the best one for you all depends on your needs and in what area you could use extra support.
Spreadsheet Casino tracker
This first tool is one in the category of finance and it will help you get a grip on all your different bankrolls. When you start using the online casino spreadsheet tracker you outline the different casinos that you play at, the different bonuses and promotions that are related to the online casino and you could even keep a log of the different times that you play at the different online casinos.
Having this overview of all your bankrolls will help you get a clear picture of all your spendings and winnings and help you get as much money as possible. The bonus tracker can be especially useful because sometimes it can be difficult to keep track of what you need to do to get that bonus money.
RSS News feed
It is likely that you are not yet familiar with what RSS is or an RSS feed. Simply put an RSS feed is a direct link where a website publishes its new content on its website. This can be blogs, news, or some other form of content.
The best way you can use this for online casinos is to collect all the essential online casino news and offers in one place. You will no longer need to be browsing all the different websites to find the best promotions. Simply have a look at your own personal RSS news feed and instantly be up to date on the online casino news that you are interested in.

This is definitely one of the most basic tools that you can use when playing at online casinos but it can potentially be one of the strongest. When entering the wonderful world of online casinos it can be easy to get sucked in and lose track of time.
Before you know it you’ ve been playing for a long time again while there were other items on your to-do list. Deciding beforehand how much time you want to spend at your favorite online casino and setting a timer will help you save time for the other important things in your life.
Strategy Sheet
The strategy sheet is an online casino sheet that is most useful when you love to play different table games like blackjack, roulette, or punto banco. There are many different strategies that you can use when playing online, for a more extensive overview be sure to check out our other guides about strategy.
The strategy sheet is a simple list with an overview of the strategy that you can keep handy when playing at the online casino tables. No more guesswork or multi-tabbing on your web browser. All the essential information in one place to keep you on track of your chosen strategy.
Tilt is a term that you might be familiar with if you have been around the online poker communities. When you are “on tilt” it simply means that you are dealing with strong emotions that affect the way you play in a negative way.
Missing out on a big win by a hair or getting a losing streak can get you in that state where you are chasing money and risk blowing out your bankroll. Anti-Tilt is all about becoming aware of your emotions and then using breathing techniques and shifting your focus to help you calm down so you can play optimally again.
Odds calculator
Odds calculators can be one of the most useful online casino tools if you are not sure about what play to make at an online casino game. Most online casino odds calculators are based around the classic table games, especially card games like blackjack and poker can benefit a lot from this online casino tool.
Odds calculators are simple to use, you simply enter the situation of the game and you will see the percentage of chance that a certain bet will win or lose. With this information, you can then set the appropriate betting amount so you can maximize profits and minimize losses.
Personal selection
The key to unlocking maximum profits at online casinos when using these online casino tools is the selection that you make. Take a minute to reflect on what areas you can use some extra help, support, or improvement.
If you are already solid on money management then the financial tools might not be the most useful to you. So be sure to take inventory of your weaknesses and pick your tools accordingly. Analyze, make the selection, head to the digital tables, and start profiting!